OPUS Settings

Default settings

After installation, the OPUS server and client will work with their default settings, contained in the files $OPUS_DIR/uws_server/settings.py and $OPUS_DIR/uws_client/uws_client.py.

Local settings

The file $OPUS_DIR/settings_local.py, if present, is read by OPUS to override the default values.

This file also contains default tokens that have to be set internally and kept secret to ensure application security. This file should thus have restricted access by the web server only.

Local settings are to be set before running the application, here is an example:

# OPUS global config
BASE_URL = 'http://opus.example.com'
BASE_IP = ''
VAR_PATH = '/var/www/opus'
LOCAL_USER = 'www'
ADMIN_EMAIL = 'a@b.com'
ADMIN_NAME = 'opus-admin'
MAIL_SERVER = 'smtp.example.com'
SENDER_EMAIL = 'no_reply@example.com'

# Client config
ADMIN_DEFAULT_PW = ''     # Define a default password for ADMIN_NAME (can then be changed in the client)
TESTUSER_NAME = 'testuser'
TESTUSER_DEFAULT_PW = ''  # Define a default password for TESTUSER_NAME (can then be changed in the client)
CLIENT_TITLE = "OPUS"     # Title shown on webpages
HOME_CONTENT = ""         # Content of the home page (HTML accepted)

# Server config
ADMIN_TOKEN = 'uuid_or_any_random_string'
JOB_EVENT_TOKEN = 'uuid_or_any_random_string'    # TOKEN for special user job_event, used internally
MAINTENANCE_TOKEN = 'uuid_or_any_random_string'  # TOKEN for special user maintenant, used internally
# Access rules
ALLOW_ANONYMOUS = True    # some jobs may be run without signing in
CHECK_PERMISSIONS = True  # check rights to run a job
CHECK_OWNER = False       # only the owner of a job can access the results
NJOBS_MAX = 5             # 0 for no restriction

Local settings could also contain other relevant variables, depending on the desired setting for a server or client.

UWS Server settings

The file $OPUS_DIR/uws_server/settings.py contains all the variables needed by the web server with their default values and descriptions. This file is part of the repository files and it is recommended to keep it unchanged. However, all those variables can be overridden from the $OPUS_DIR/settings_local.py file.

General settings

Variable Description
DEBUG If True, the full trace of an error is shown on the error web page. If False, the error webpage is simply "Internal Server Error".
APP_PATH Path to the application files. Autoset to the package directory (parent of the uws_server/settings.py file).
VAR_PATH Path to the data used/generated by the application. This directory has to be writable for the web server (www, apache...)
BASE_URL Base URL of the server hosting the application.
BASE_IP Base IP address of the server hosting the application.

Security settings

Variable Description
ADMIN_NAME Login name for aministrator access to the server
ADMIN_TOKEN Token for aministrator access to the server
ADMIN_EMAIL Email of aministrator
JOB_EVENT_TOKEN Token for special user job_event, used internally
MAINTENANCE_TOKEN Token for special user maintenant, used internally
ALLOW_ANONYMOUS Anonymous user allowed on server (True/False)
CHECK_PERMISSIONS Check permission to create/edit a job (True/False)
CHECK_OWNER Check ownership on data or job information access (True/False)
JOB_SERVERS IPs of servers that are allowed to send job events
TRUSTED_CLIENTS IPs of client that can access critical admin features

Internal settings

Variable Description
NJOBS_MAX Maximum number of active jobs per user
DESTRUCTION_INTERVAL Default destruction interval
EXECUTION_DURATION_DEF Default execution duration
EXECUTION_DURATION_MAX Maximum execution duration
WAIT_TIME_MAX Maximum wait time for user request (UWS1.1)
GENERATE_PROV Add the provenance files to the results of the jobs
COPY_RESULTS copy results from Manager to Archive (may be irrelevant if Manager = Local)
SHA_ALGO Algorithm for entity hash
JOB_ID_LENGTH length of job identifiers
JOB_ID_GEN() Function that generates job identifiers
ENTITY_ID_GEN() Function that generates entity identifiers
TOKEN_GEN() Function that generates default tokens

Archive settings

Variable Description
ARCHIVE Set to Local. Select where the archive is located
ARCHIVE_PATH Path of Archive (same as RESULTS_PATH for Local Archive)
ARCHIVE_URL Relative or full URL to access the Archive (use {ID} for the identifier of the result)

Job Description Language settings

Variable Description
JDL Set to VOTable. Select the JDL class for reading/writing JDL files
UWS_PARAMETERS UWS parameters that can be configured with job parameters
UWS_PARAMETERS_KEYS Order of UWS parameters
CONTROL_PARAMETERS Control parameters that can be configured with job parameters (includes e.g. UWS and SLURM parameters)
CONTROL_PARAMETERS_KEYS Order of control parameters

Storage settings

Variable Description
STORAGE Set to SQLAlchemy. Select the Storage class for the internal database.
SQLALCHEMY_DB string that indicates database dialect and connection arguments for SQLAlchemy
SQLITE_FILE_NAME Name of SQLite file
PGSQL_HOST Host for PostgreSQL database
PGSQL_PORT Port for PostgreSQL database
PGSQL_DATABASE Database for PostgreSQL database
PGSQL_USER User for PostgreSQL database
PGSQL_PASSWORD Password for PostgreSQL database

Manager settings

Variable Description
MANAGER Set to Local or SLURM. Select the Manager class that defines the interface for job execution and management.
LOCAL_WORKDIR_PATH Working directory for local execution
SLURM_URL URL of SLURM Work cluster
SLURM_USER Account on SLURM Work cluster
SLURM_MAIL_USER Email for account on SLURM Work cluster
SLURM_SCRIPTS_PATH Path for scripts on SLURM Work cluster
SLURM_JOBDATA_PATH Path for job internal files on SLURM Work cluster
SLURM_UPLOADS_PATH Path for uplaods on SLURM Work cluster
SLURM_WORKDIR_PATH Working directory on SLURM Work cluster
SLURM_RESULTS_PATH Path for job results on SLURM Work cluster
SLURM_SBATCH_DEFAULT Default SLURM sbatch header variables as a dictionnary
PHASE_CONVERT Conversions for SLURM job state codes
SLURM_PARAMETERS SLURM parameters that can be configured with job parameters

Path settings

The various path defined are build from VAR_PATH by default.

Variable Description
LOG_PATH Path for logging files
JDL_PATH Path for JDL files
SCRIPTS_PATH Path for job script files (part of the job definition)
JOBDATA_PATH Path of internal files for each job (scripts executed, stdout, stderr, ...)
RESULTS_PATH Path of results for each job
UPLOADS_PATH Path of uploaded files for each job
TEMP_PATH Path for e.g. SLURM sbatch files created by SLURMManager

UWS Client settings

The file $OPUS_DIR/uws_client/uws_client.py contains all the variables needed by the web client with their default values and descriptions. This file is part of the repository files and it is recommended to keep it unchanged. However, all those variables can be overridden from the $OPUS_DIR/settings_local.py file.

Variable Description
APP_PATH Path to the application files. Autoset to the package directory (parent of the uws_client/settings.py file).
VAR_PATH Path to the data used/generated by the application. This directory has to be writable for the web server (www, apache...)
APPLICATION_ROOT Relative URL to the UWS Client
UWS_SERVER_URL_JS URL of the UWS Server as called by javascript, generally set to local url (proxy) to avoid cross-calls
UWS_AUTH Set to Basic. Authentication protocol with UWS Server
ADMIN_NAME Login name for the administrator
ADMIN_DEFAULT_PW Default password for the administrator (to be changed after install, or kept secret in uws_client/settings_local.py)
TESTUSER_NAME Login name for testuser
TESTUSER_DEFAULT_PW Default password for the administrator (to be changed after install, or kept secret in uws_client/settings_local.py)
CLIENT_TITLE Title shown on webpages
HOME_CONTENT Content of the home page (HTML accepted)

Some of those variables can be edited and modified from the UWS Client without having to restart the web server (list of variables in EDITABLE_CONFIG). In particular the UWS_SERVER_URL and UWS_AUTH variables, so that the client can connect to any other UWS server.